EXBIO mouse monoclonal antibodies in BULK quantities are intended for development of various assays and immunolabeling tools. The most popular among our antibodies for this purpose are those that detect markers important for blood cell and cancer cell types identification (both cell surface and intracellular molecules), antibodies for detection of certain serum proteins (transferrin, C-peptide of proinsulin), or antibodies that can be used for identification of proliferating cells (anti-BrdU). Particular popular EXBIO antibody clones are shown in the tables below: Cell surface molecules:
Fig. 1: Mouse monoclonal antibody HTF-14 used for detection of human transferrin by Western blotting. Transferrin concentration: 1, 3, and 5 µg/well. Fig. 2: Mouse monoclonal antibody C-11 used for immunohistochemistry staining of cytokeratin on paraffin-embedded sections of guinea pig breast carcinoma.This antibody detects not only human cytokeratins, but has a wide reactivity among mammals.
Contact: info@exbio.cz
Today we bring an extension to the Notch topics presented in previous blog.
Notch signaling represents one of the cornerstones of the immune system.
Anti-human CD38 clones HB7 and HIT2 were compared regarding their reactivity with particular blood cell populations.