OEM antibodies bestsellers - top clones

SarKau_foto.jpgEXBIO offers our business partners 2 000+ excellent products and services in a field of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Which clones and products available for incorporating under companies brand name are the most popular among our OEM business partners?

Our best selling OEM products include antibodies against tumor markers, exosome markers, anti-HLA-G antibodies, anti-IgG (Fab), anti-CD34 and anti-CD81 antibodies and recombinant allergens.

Here is a list of some OEM best selling clones to antigens and most popular formats:

Clone Antigen Cat. No.:
MEM-259 CD63 11-343-C100
4A11 IgG (Fab) 11-319-C100
QBEnd-10 CD34 1P-566-C100
TU-20 betaIII-Tubulin 11-264-C100
M38 CD81 11-558-C100
MEM-189 CD71 11-353-C100
B2M-01 beta2-Microglobulin 11-237-C100
MEM-43/5 CD59 11-234-C100
MEM-G/9 HLA-G 11-292-C100
PAC-1 CD41/CD61 (PAC-1 epitope) 1F-145-T100
A53-B/A2 Cytokeratin 19 11-120-C100


Take a glance at the first group from best selled OEM products: exosome related clones and MEM-259 to CD63 as a very popular interweaver.


MEM-259 to Hu CD63

This excellent, top-notch clone to the very popular antigen CD63 interweaves several topics.
CD63 serves as a marker of activated basophils (use in diagnostics of allergies), as well as exosomes (similarly as CD81 and CD9), intracellular vesicles and also the prognostic tumor marker.

11-343_ICC.jpgWe suppose that this could be also a reason, why is so popular within our OEM business partners.

The most OEM popular are purified format and biotin, PerCP conjugates. Here you can find our portfolio of MEM-259 formats.

Similarly, in basophil activation test (BAT) also the CD203c showed a really good confirmatory power. If you would like to know more regarding detection of basophils and their activation, please visit our blog devoted this topic. For this reason these two antigens, CD203c for basophil identification, and CD63 for detection of their activation, were also used in our BasoFlowEx kit. Anti-CD203c antibody is there in PE format and anti-CD63 in FITC format.
Portfolio of Anti-Hu CD203c antibodies
Fig. 1: Immunocytochemistry staining of human skin fibroblasts with anti-CD63 (MEM-259; green) after co-incubation of living cells with human Transferrin - Dyomics 547 (cat. no. TFD547; red); cell nuclei stained with DAPI (blue).

Exosome related clones

Study of exosomes are becoming significant topic in diagnostics due to their detection of early pathologies - organism’s changes, the fact of something becoming different, e.g. tumor growth or neurodegenerative diseases.

Due to this fact and also due to their intercellular communication they are more and more center of attention and investigations.

More information regarding exosomes you can read within our blog dedicated to this topic.

Within our most popular ordered clones are also just the ones related to exosome related topic:
M38 to Hu CD81, the mentioned MEM-259 to Hu CD63, other EXBIO clones to exosomal markers are: MEM-61 to Hu CD9, EM-04 to Ms CD9, IVA50 to Bov CD9.

Next time we post another blog focused on most-selled OEM anti-HLA-G clones, Exbio as a original manufacturer is a proud owner of the widest portfolio of anti-HLA-G clones and further a blog related to recombinant allergens as a sale of these products are increasingly on the rise.

Are you willing to have our products within your catalogue but do you have any queries? Please contact us, we’re happy to answer them!
Contact: info@exbio.cz
Have you great days!

Šárka Kaucká
International Sales Representative
Sales Department