CD325 (N-cadherin) at a glance

CD325 (N-cadherin) is a type I transmembrane protein, which forms a complex with catenins, that is linked to the actin cytoskeleton. This complex is important in synapses and for functional plasticity of neurons, and is also essential for embryonic development. CD325 plays key roles in morphogenetic processes during the formation of neural and cardiac tissues, and it is also involved in skeletal myogenesis, osteogenesis, and in the maturation of the vasculature. Decreased CD325 cleavage caused by mutations in presenilin 1 is associated with Alzheimer´s disease. Unlike healthy epithelium, epithelial cancers, including prostate, lung and bladder cancer, do express CD325, and this aberrant expression is a negative prognostic factor. CD325 is also expressed on the surface of malignant T cells, and increases their adhesion to epithelia, as well as their ability to invade and metastasize to inflammatory sites. Although it is not considered as an oncogen, it strongly supports tumor aggressiveness by promotion of both individual and collective cell migration. CD325 represents a therapeutic target to inhibit cancer metastasis. This protein also plays roles in haematological malignancies, e.g. by supporting their adhesion to bone marrow stromal cells.

Fig. 1: CD325 chains form oligomers by interaction of their last two extracellular domains. These oligomers adhere to their counterparts on a target cell. Intracellular side of these junctions are attached to the actin cytosleleton.
The mouse monoclonal antibody 8C11 recognizes an extracellular epitope of human and murine CD325, and can be used for flow cytometry, Western blotting, immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and immunoprecipitation.  Formats:  Purified (11-849-C100), Alexa Fluor® 488 (A4-849-T100), PE (1P-849-T100), APC (1A-849-T100), Alexa Fluor® 647 (A6-849-T100), PE-Cy™7 (T7-849-T100).

Fig. 2: Separation of HeLa cells stained using anti-human CD325 (8C11) APC antibody (10 μl reagent per million cells in 100 μl of cell suspension, red-filled) from HeLa cells stained using mouse IgG1 isotype control (MOPC-21) APC antibody (concentration in sample 15 μg/ml, the same as CD325 APC concentration, black-dashed) in flow cytometry analysis (surface staining).
Further reading:
Nieman MT et al.: N-cadherin promotes motility in human breast cancer cells regardless of their E-cadherin expression. J Cell Biol. 1999, 147(3): 631-644.
Derycke LD and Bracke ME: N-cadherin in the spotlight of cell-cell adhesion, differentiation, embryogenesis, invasion and signaling. Int J Dev Biol. 2004, 48: 463-476.
Groen RW et al.: N-cadherin-mediated interaction with multiple myeloma cells inhibits osteoblast differentiation. Haematologica 2011, 96(11): 1653-1661.
Mrozik KM et al.: N-cadherin in cancer metastasis, its emerging role in haematological malignancies and potential as a therapeutic target in cancer. BMC Cancer 2018, 18:939-954.
Cao ZQ et al.: Aberrant N-cadherin expression in cancer. Biomed. Pharmacotherapy 2019, 118:109320.
Sun Y et al.: N-cadherin inhibitor creates a microenvironment that protects TILs from immune checkpoints and Treg cells. J Immunother Cancer 2021, 9:e002138.
Barcelona-Estaje E et al.: N-cadherin crosstalk with integrin weakens the molecular clutch in response to surface viscosity. Nat Communications 2024, 15:8824.

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